Monday, February 04, 2019


Curriculum Update

Thanks to folks writing in, I went back through the curriculum and updated a couple of things...

I found two references to pay phones and a reference to a library card index file to look for books. Hmmm, both a bit outdated, so I corrected that.

I also wrote a new topic that I had been considering for a while - Social Media. It just helps staff talk to their clients about  what social media is and how it can be fun to keep up with family and friends, but there are also dangers involved by oversharing, including:

    Oversharing – it is not a good idea to post your address or phone number on social media sites. This can lead to identity theft. People may pretend to be you using your personal information. Advertising scammers may use your personal information to target you with scam ads.

     Sharing your present location – home invasion robbers just love to know where you are and when you aren’t home.

    Photos – be aware that people can get your location from pictures that you post. People may also steal your picture and personal information and create a fake account pretending to be you… and who knows what they may post, which can lead to you having a damaged reputation.

    Posting information about your disability - might lead to discrimination and cyberbullying. People who disagree with your opinions may also bully you online, feeling safe to do so without having to face you in person.

    It’s there forever. What you post on the internet stays on the internet. If you post hurtful information about your friends, it will be there for everyone to see (cross reference “News or Gossip” in the Leisure domain).

When I started writing the curriculum, I figured that it would be an on-going job. If you have an idea for a topic, I would be more than happy to hear about it. Contact me at

The State of Az. wants time frames for each teaching module. I do not see any time frames when I research the SNAP program for Adults with Developmental Disabilities. The Meadows Catalina would like to purchase this curriculum. Is there any way I could get projected time frames so I can submit this to AZ state Department of Developmental Disabilities for approval.

Sincerely; Johnny Walker/Operations Supervisor-Meadows Catalina LLC
Hi Johnny,
This isn't an academic curriculum. There are no time frames... you talk to clients as many times as it takes for them to understand and be able to demonstrate the particular skill you are talking about. Learning life skills isn't like learning math where you teach a subject for a semester and then move on.

I'd love to talk to you about this if you want to email me at Thanks.
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