Thursday, December 31, 2015


New Book

Many of you have read my book "How to Teach Daily Living Skills to Adults with Developmental Disabilities". I have a new version of that book available. Actually, it's the same book. I just updated it a bit.

When I first wrote the book, I was still working as a day program director. I have since retired, so I just updated the book to reflect that you cannot come visit my program and we are not currently doing anything. I'm retired. Retired people don't do anything. Well, that's not true...

The information in the book is the same. It's an introduction to a variety of things you need to know to support adults with developmental disabilities. I see someone on gave the book a bad review because it isn't truly a "How To" book. I'm not sure what they were expecting. There is no book that will say, "do this and it will work every time with every client."

My book explains things such as an understanding of basic behavior, assessing behaviors, writing plans, data collection, instructional processes, reinforcement, behavior management tips, ethical issues and more. It's an idea book designed to get you thinking about how your agency works and maybe some changes that you could make to benefit your clients.

The book is available from my web store (along with my other disability resource books) at or from $12.00.

Happy New Year!

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Creo que todo ser humano capaz de razonar y aprender, le es útil preguntar para crearse conciencia de la información basta que existe en el mundo, la pregunta universal ¿porqué?, acompaña al ser humano; para que este sea creativo e ingenioso, sin los cuestionamientos como seria posible aprender, es por eso que el humano siempre será un mismo enigma de conocimiento infinito.
Es importante que para llegar a tener un conocimiento claro y que este sea verdadero, utilicemos vías correctas que nos ayuden a comprobar si nuestros pensamientos fueron los correctos o incorrectos en un inicio.
Haciendo uso de un método que nos permita investigar, analizar y concluir un tema de interés, lograremos adquirir un buen conocimiento, con bases muy bien sustentadas.
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