Thursday, November 24, 2011
Holiday Behavior
Keep in mind that this time of year can be very stressful on adults with developmental disabilities (as it can on the rest of us, too!). There are a couple of reasons for displays of negative behaviors in clients:
1. Sensory overload; there is a lot more activity going on. Bright lights, Christmas music playing in every store, and frenetic shoppers all contribute to a sense of activity that can be overly stimulating to some clients.
2. Be aware of clients who do not live with their families, and whose families have rare contact with the client. There are some families who take this time of year to make promises of visiting the clients, but then don't make the actual visit. This can be a devastating disappointment for the client, which can result in a display of behaviors.
It is our responsibility to know the clients we support well enough to know if these situations are going to be a trigger for behaviors or not. What can we do? Taking groups of clients to the mall every day at this time of year might not be a great idea. Are there other locations with less activity that you can visit? Talking to clients whose family isn't going to visit about ways to handle disappointment might be a good idea.
Of course, there is a piece in the SNAP Curriculum on "Dealing with Rejection" if you need help with what to say to a client regarding this topic.
And watch out after the holidays for the letdown of all the excitement in other clients.Talking about handling changes in routine might be a good idea. And yes, that topic is in the curriculum, too.
Don't forget to check my web store for stocking stuffers. I have several books on disability resources as well as a bunch of inexpensive fiction books available.
Happy holidays!