Friday, March 04, 2011


Down Time Plan

How many of you in vocational programs are really ready for downtime? You know what I'm talking about - those irritatating interruptions caused by material shortages, power outages or even the inevitable downturn in the economy.

Oh, yeah... a downturn in the economy can happen!

Since no one anymore would even consider the standard fallback of putting on a movie for the clients while staff sit at their desks and chat, all vocational programs need to have a down time plan ready to go.

So, just in case you are a brand new program and haven't had time to create your plan yet, I have done it for you; including more than 20 activity ideas, most of which can be done on the spur of the moment.

OK, even established programs may be looking for new ideas.

Introducing my new book - Down Time Plan

Each activity included in this book has a Training Goal spelled out as well as suggestions for instruction of the activity. That's just in case your brand new staff aren't sure what you mean when you say, "Keep the clients busy... talk to them about appropriate workplace behavior or something."

Ideas include:

Clean Up/Maintenance
Quality Control Discussion
Safety Tailgate Meetings
Reviewing Job Related Topics (such as Dress and Hygiene, Reaction to Supervisors, Getting Along with Co-Workers, Work Ethics, etc.)
Skills Needed for Specific Jobs
Appropriate Work Behaviors
Job Search Training
Tool Training
Work Simulated Activities
Functional Literacy Skills (can your clients read safety signs, equipment manuals, workplace legal postings, etc.?)
Functional Number Skills (can your clients read a ZIP code and know what the numbers mean or do they know what all the withholding amounts on their paychecks mean?)
Employer Visits (what are appropriate questions to ask during a visit?)
Creating Adaptive Devices
Mobility Training
Creating Safety Videos

This is a sample... there are more included.

Downtime is broken down into 3 basic headings:
Brief - up to a few hours
Moderate - 1-2 days in length
Severe - 3 or more days in length

The book is 33 pages and is now available on my web store . As usual, just click on the Disability Resource Books link on the left side of the homepage.

$19.99 plus tax in California and shipping. What a deal!

Many thanks and a shoutout to Carl Ochsner, Executive Director of Work Training Center in Chico, Calif. for his ideas and suggestions for this book.

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