Thursday, August 13, 2009


Staff Orientation

How many of you have a solid orientation process for new staff people? I don't mean just watching the video on abuse and looking over the employee handbook from personnel - I mean real information on how to do your job as well as the basic "housekeeping rules" such as specific break times, dress code, etc.

When I first started out as a line staff many years ago, we weren't given any information. But then, there weren't many expectations that we would do any real skills training with our clients, either. When I started with my present agency, it was slightly better. We watched an old video about using raisins as a reinforcer with children... except that we don't work with children and we don't use food as a reinforcer.

When I got in a postition to do something about that, I did. Over the years I have developed a fairly complete set of information for our staff. We review the information with them during their first day or two on the job, then again within 2 months after they start. We also put the material in a bright red binder so they can find it and refer to it even after they have been here for a while. If there's anything I hate, it's to get disciplined for some rule that I didn't even know about. I really hate that!

I truly believe that an informed, trained staff is a happier staff and turn-over rates will drop with happy staff. Clients benefit even more from a happy, informed, trained staff!

Now, I have a version of that information on my web store . Just click on the Disability Issue Books link on the left side of the home page.

There are over 170 pages of information covering Basic Orientation, Administrative Requirements, General House Guidelines, Ethical Issues, Basic Principles of Behavior, Instructional Processes, Reinforcement, Interim Management Strategies, Data Collection and Vocational Training.

And it's all on a cd in Word files so you can choose and use, add or delete any information as you see fit to make it specific to your program.

If you would like more detailed information about the orientation material, drop me an e-mail at .


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